Hyun-ah, who came back, said, “A day was like a year…I want to overcome my limitations”

If it were as planned, they would have had a spectacular comeback stage last summer, but half a year has gone by. This is because of the miscellaneous hard-core fainting that persistently harassed Hyun-ah. While waiting to recover her health, Hyun-ah said she wanted to run to the stage right away. “If I don’t get […]

Chan-won Lee, the one who captivated Lee Sang-hwa.

Lee Chan-won topped the competency evaluation. On the 27th, TV CHOSUN “Ppongsoonga School” featured Trotmen transformed into “ice boys” with Lee Sang-Hwa appearing as a guest. On this day, Trotmen evaluated their intelligence, physical strength, and emotional skills in the New Year of 2021. First, I conducted an IQ test with Noh Kyu-Sik, a psychiatrist. […]

Choi Yeo-jin, it’s the same as it was four years ago

Choi Yeo-jin recalled the picture four years ago. Actress Choi Yeo-jin posted a photo on her Instagram story on the 25th. The image is inscribed with “2017.01.25”, the date four years ago when the photo was taken. Also, Choi Yeo-jin said, “Memories,” “Four years from now, you’re longer.”No, no, no,” he wrote. The photo posted […]

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